Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Human Resources Glossary, Third Edition: The Complete Desk Reference for HR Executives, Managers, and Practitioners

The Human Resources Glossary, Third Edition: The Complete Desk Reference for HR Executives, Managers, and Practitioners
Publisher: CRC Press LLC 2003 | ISBN: 1574443518 | PDF | 840 pages | 3,57 mb

The fast paced world of human resources (HR) management, development, and utilization requires HR professionals to fill many roles and speak many "languages." The Human Resources Glossary answers the demand for a single authoritative source that compiles and explains the vocabulary of HR practitioners. This glossary defines HR terms and explains their context, use, and managerial implications in 56 of the most important HR areas, including benefits, compensation, disability, discipline, employee services, health care, organization development, productivity, hiring practices, employee testing, training, travel management, meeting management, and work measurement.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Narcis Serra, Joseph E. Stiglitz (Editors)- The Washington Consensus Reconsidered: Towards a New Global Governance

Narcis Serra, Joseph E. Stiglitz (Editors) - The Washington Consensus Reconsidered: Towards a New Global Governance
Publisher: Oxford University Press 2008 | ISBN: 0199534098 | PDF | 384 pages | 1,88 mb

This volume brings together many of the leading international figures in development studies, such as 2008 Nobel Prize in Economics winner Paul Krugman, Jose Antonio Ocampo, Dani Rodrik, Joseph Stiglitz, Daniel Cohen, Olivier Blanchard, Deepak Nayyer and John Williamson to reconsider and propose alternative development policies to the Washington Consensus. Covering a wide range of issues from macro-stabilization to trade and the future of global governance, this important volume makes a real contribution to this important and ongoing debate.
The volume begins by introducing the Washington Consensus, discussing how it was originally formulated, what it left out, and how it was later interpreted, and sets the stage for a formulation of a new development framework in the post-Washington Consensus era. It then goes on to analyze and offer differing perspectives and potential solutions to a number of key development issues, some which were addressed by the Washington Consensus and others which were not. The volume concludes by looking toward formulating new policy frameworks and offers possible reforms to the current system of global governance.

Part I The Washington Consensus: From Its Origins to Its Critics

1. Introduction: From the Washington Consensus Towards a New Global Governance
Narcís Serra, Shari Spiegel, and Joseph E. Stiglitz

2. A Short History of the Washington Consensus
John Williamson

3. Inequality and Redistribution
Paul Krugman

4. Is there a Post-Washington Consensus Consensus?
Joseph E. Stiglitz

5. The Barcelona Development Agenda

Part II Analyses of Central Issues in Development

6. A Broad View of Macroeconomic Stability
José Antonio Ocampo

7. The Wild Ones: Industrial Policies in the Developing World
Alice H. Amsden

8. Sudden Stop, Financial Factors, and Economic Collapse in Latin America: Learning from Argentina and Chile
Guillermo A. Calvo and Ernesto Talvi

9. Towards a New Modus Operandi of the International Financial System
Daniel Cohen

10. The World Trading System and Implications of External Opening
Jeffrey A. Frankel

11. The World Trading System and Development Concerns
Martin Khor

12. Reforming Labor Market Institutions: Unemployment Insurance and Employment Protection
Olivier Blanchard

13. International Migration and Economic Development
Deepak Nayyar

Part III Towards a New Global Governance

14. The Future of Global Governance
Joseph E. Stiglitz

15. Growth Diagnostics
Ricardo Hausmann, Dani Rodrik, and Andrés Velasco

16. A Practical Approach to Formulating Growth Strategies
Dani Rodrik

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Kevin D. Mitnick - The Art of Deception: Controlling the Human Element of Security

Kevin D. Mitnick - The Art of Deception: Controlling the Human Element of Security
Publisher: Wiley | ISBN: 076454280X | edition 2003 | PDF | 577 pages | 3,61 mb

Mitnick is the most famous computer hacker in the world. Since his first arrest in 1981, at age 17, he has spent nearly half his adult life either in prison or as a fugitive. He has been the subject of three books and his alleged 1982 hack into NORAD inspired the movie War Games. Since his plea-bargain release in 2000, he says he has reformed and is devoting his talents to helping computer security. It's not clear whether this book is a means toward that end or a, wink-wink, fictionalized account of his exploits, with his name changed to protect his parole terms. Either way, it's a tour de force, a series of tales of how some old-fashioned blarney and high-tech skills can pry any information from anyone. As entertainment, it's like reading the climaxes of a dozen complex thrillers, one after the other. As a security education, it's a great series of cautionary tales; however, the advice to employees not to give anyone their passwords is bland compared to the depth and energy of Mitnick's descriptions of how he actually hacked into systems. As a manual for a would-be hacker, it's dated and nonspecific better stuff is available on the Internet but it teaches the timeless spirit of the hack. Between the lines, a portrait emerges of the old-fashioned hacker stereotype: a socially challenged, obsessive loser addicted to an intoxicating sense of power that comes only from stalking and spying.


Part 1. Behind the Scenes
Chapter 1. Security's Weakest Link

Part 2. The Art of the Attacker
Chapter 2. When Innocuous Information Isn't
Chapter 3. The Direct Attack: Just Asking for it
Chapter 4. Building Trust
Chapter 5. "Let Me Help You"
Chapter 6. "Can You Help Me?"
Chapter 7. Phony Sites and Dangerous Attachments
Chapter 8. Using Sympathy, Guilt and Intimidation
Chapter 9. The Reverse Sting

Part 3 Intruder Alert
Chapter 10. Entering the Premises
Chapter 11. Combining Technology and Social Engineering
Chapter 12. Attacks on the Entry-Level Employee
Chapter 13. Clever Cons
Chapter 14. Industrial Espionage

Part 4 Raising the Bar
Chapter 15. Information Security Awareness and Training
Chapter 16. Recommended Corporate Information Security Policies

Security at a Glance

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Nassim Nicholas Taleb - The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable

Nassim Nicholas Taleb - The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable
Publisher: Random House 2007 | 366 Pages | ISBN: 1400063515 | PDF | 7 MB

Four hundred years ago, Francis Bacon warned that our minds are wired to deceive us. "Beware the fallacies into which undisciplined thinkers most easily fall--they are the real distorting prisms of human nature." Chief among them: "Assuming more order than exists in chaotic nature." Now consider the typical stock market report: "Today investors bid shares down out of concern over Iranian oil production." Sigh. We're still doing it.

Our brains are wired for narrative, not statistical uncertainty. And so we tell ourselves simple stories to explain complex thing we don't--and, most importantly, can't--know. The truth is that we have no idea why stock markets go up or down on any given day, and whatever reason we give is sure to be grossly simplified, if not flat out wrong.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb first made this argument in Fooled by Randomness, an engaging look at the history and reasons for our predilection for self-deception when it comes to statistics. Now, in The Black Swan: the Impact of the Highly Improbable, he focuses on that most dismal of sciences, predicting the future. Forecasting is not just at the heart of Wall Street, but it’s something each of us does every time we make an insurance payment or strap on a seat belt.

The problem, Nassim explains, is that we place too much weight on the odds that past events will repeat (diligently trying to follow the path of the "millionaire next door," when unrepeatable chance is a better explanation). Instead, the really important events are rare and unpredictable. He calls them Black Swans, which is a reference to a 17th century philosophical thought experiment. In Europe all anyone had ever seen were white swans; indeed, "all swans are white" had long been used as the standard example of a scientific truth. So what was the chance of seeing a black one? Impossible to calculate, or at least they were until 1697, when explorers found Cygnus atratus in Australia.

Nassim argues that most of the really big events in our world are rare and unpredictable, and thus trying to extract generalizable stories to explain them may be emotionally satisfying, but it's practically useless. September 11th is one such example, and stock market crashes are another. Or, as he puts it, "History does not crawl, it jumps." Our assumptions grow out of the bell-curve predictability of what he calls "Mediocristan," while our world is really shaped by the wild powerlaw swings of "Extremistan."

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Виктор Пелевин - П5. Прощальные песни политических пигмеев Пиндостана

Виктор Пелевин - П5. Прощальные песни политических пигмеев Пиндостана
Издательство: Эксмо, 2008 | 288 стр. | ISBN: 067232993X | PDF |0,7 MB

Новая книга Виктора Пелевина "П5: прощальные песни политических пигмеев Пиндостана" появилась на книжных прилавках 5 октября - дата, несомненно, продуманная писателем, который каждый свой шаг предварительно раскидывает по И-цзин - ах, все эти неслучайные пятерки. За три недели сборник из пяти рассказов (Зал поющих кариатид, Кормление крокодила Хуфу, Некромент, Пространство Фридмана, Ассасин) не прочитал только ленивый, книга уверенно вытеснила конкурентов с прилавков книжных магазинов, возглавила списки продаж, вызвала предсказуемое жужжание блогосферы, которое, однако, совсем не назовешь восторженным. Новых поклонников у Пелевина поди что и нет, а старые не нашли в его книге ничего для себя нового и слегка разочаровались. Да и о чем разговор - 300 страниц крупным шрифтом, 5 рассказов, ни один из которых не дотягивает даже до повести. Но зато современность так ловко поймана, что уже и сомневаешься, правда ли писатель-затворник творит где-то на вершине Килиманджаро, а не сидит круглосуточно в своем Чертаново, читая новости в гугл-ридере и человеческие глупости в ЖЖ. Потому-то нам все еще нужен Пелевин, хотя время его, как говорят многие, уже прошло.

Духовная близость с инфузорией-туфелькой от Prada

"Что же касается духовной близости с какой-нибудь из этих инфузорий-туфелек от Prada, то о ней мы просто не будем говорить в целях экономии места..."

Пелевин, конечно, принадлежит 90-м, как никакой другой русский писатель, - оглядываясь назад, начинаешь подозревать, что больше никого там и не было. Ну, разве что, Сорокин зимовал - ждал, как и все, конкретных, понятных, нулевых. Такая была особенность эпохи: все непонятно, очень изменчиво и немножко стыдно; в толпе новых людей и странных явлений не находился ни герой, ни дух эпохи. Писатель, как существо чересчур хорошо воспитанное, старательно отворачивался и смотрел куда-то в сторону. На что угодно, только не на то, как Россия, проснувшись от дурного сна, натягивает на голое немытое тело новые ажурные чулки. 90-е ждали, что вот-вот появится автор, которому удастся ухватить за хвост новое время, а Пелевин не писал про время. Он писал про поколение. И в романах "Омон Ра", "Жизнь насекомых", "Чапаев и Пустота", и в завершающей, чуть ли не главной книге десятилетия "Generation П" практически прозрел образ нового человека - существа, стремящегося к духовному прозрению при абсолютной, совершенной внутренней пустоте. О том же - если вчитаться - и новые рассказы: о поисках и обретении рая. И о разнице между раем земным и небесным.

Хорошенькая блондинка Лена из первого рассказа "П5" "Зал поющих кариатид" открывает для себя этот неземной рай - реку в голове богомола. Попадая туда перед смертью, Лена думает: "Интересно, а что во мне? Неужели такое же серое и смрадное? Сейчас вот и узнаем... Нет, не такое. Вот оно. Оно яркое... Светлое... Чистое... Какая все-таки красота...". Вот. Оно. Какой бы ты ни был здесь дурачок, а там лучше. Потому что даже местная dolce vita превратилась в такой ад, что там, по ту сторону, несомненно - рай.

Оставили один пиар

"Самка cardiacephala myrmex ест отрыгиваемую самцом пищу прямо у него изо рта - из этого, кстати, через двести миллионов лет произошел ваш человеческий поцелуй, только люди, как всегда, убрали содержательную часть и оставили один пиар".

В одной из лучших пелевинских книг, "Generation П", писатель нашел крайнего. Это рекламщики в ответе за девальвацию смысла. Это они продают за деньги слоганы типа "Солидный Господь для солидных господ", лишая всякой духовной ценности и господ, и Господа. Реклама - новая религия, ее главная цель - продавать, неважно что: Бога, президента или сережки от Армани. Но главный объект продажи - русская национальная идея, из которой убирается вся содержательная часть - остается один пиар.

У нас есть Сорокин, который пишет о русской метафизике, и Пелевин, которого интересует русская эзотерика. А сердце и той, и другой бьется в Кремле. Пелевинских поклонников возмутила в последней книге именно это - кремлецентричность. Какого черта его вообще потянуло в мир политтехнологов, глянцевых журналов (земной поклон за выражение "православный глянец") и олигархов? Но в стране, где так долго и мучительно строится вертикаль, любого писателя, обладающего каким-никаким чутьем, рано или поздно затягивает в эту воронку. Эта смена места совершенно логична в контексте кремлевского пиар-одурения, в котором живет большая часть населения страны.

Вершина Фудзи

"В будущем каждая улитка попадет на вершину Фудзи на 15 минут".

В чем Пелевин может совершенствоваться до бесконечности - это в своих выдумках и языковых играх. "П5", как и все прочие книги автора, можно смело растаскивать на цитаты. Чего стоит "православный глянец" и издательство "Маргинальный Ад", русский философ Голгофский и математик Рапидшер Вербицкий? А "багряноносный Святой Георгины первый линейный отряд ГИБДД города Москвы"? "Слышите эти раскаты багрового "эр" - прямо как у Пушкина в "Полтаве"?" Единственный минус этой языковой насыщенности - чудовищно от нее в итоге устаешь. Но кто обещал, что будет легко?

Вот оттуда вся эта задушевность и пошла

"Нам потом уже рассказали, что он для этой новой искренности бирманские таблетки жрал, называются "yaa baa", нечто вроде амфетамина, только на органической основе. Они вроде как влияют на дыхательный центр и придают всему, что человек придумывает в этом состоянии, сильную эмоциональную заразительность. Тогда в Москве проходила большая партия, и вся гопота работала только на них. Вот оттуда эта задушевность и пошла".

Про "новую искренность" смешно - тонкая и справедливая издевка над любимым романтическим стилем блоггеров, как-то связанным с эмо-челками, Земфирой и расцветом современной поэзии. Все пелевинские герои продолжают жрать всякую дрянь для прихода к озарениям. Бог знает, для чего они это делают. Но вот Али, герой рассказа-притчи "Ассасин", отказывается от лепешки с гашишом, открывающей ему дорогу в рай земной, ради рая небесного. Это тянет на начало большой новой истории: наряду с искусственным выходом, галлюцинацией от чрезмерного употребления всякой дряни, есть выход настоящий. Но вот до сих пор ни один из пелевинских героев не видел его с той стороны.

Прекрасное и невыразимое

"И пусть на этом пути ваши сердца озарит то прекрасное и невыразимое, что Боря Гребенщиков называет делом мастера Бо, а простые люди вроде меня - трансцендентально-экстралингвистическим императивом".

Как говорят англичане, great minds think alike. У Пелевина есть много соратников в литературах дальнего и ближнего зарубежья. Во Франции - Бегбедер, который всегда рад поиздеваться над обществом потребления, но в самый нужный момент совершенно не к месту пускает слезу и все портит. В Германии - Кристиан Крахт, который вообще-то пишет все то же самое, но с эзотерикой не в ладах. А еще боится, что его воспримут всерьез и перестанут покупать, и переводит все в шутку. Из-за этого от его романов остается только чувство легкого недоумения. Вся английская литература, от шутника Уилла Сэлфа до комика Бена Элтона, занимается метафизикой абсурда. Пелевин от всех них отличается тем, что он все-таки русский писатель, который не может без "духовного", и совсем не постмодернист.

Постмодернизм происходит от открытия, что события и предметы не имеют никакого смысла. Рассыпаясь, вещи обнаруживают свою полую сущность. У Пелевина вещи не полые. Конденсированная ежедневная галиматья, жизнь насекомых, обнаруживает за собой присутствие Бога. Зрячие увидят. Имеющие уши услышат. И это должна была быть радостная новость для поклоняющегося Пелевину офисного планктона: за всем этим копошением еще есть какой-то смысл. Но глянцевый засор мозга настолько не поддается очистке, что пелевинские шуточки уже не лечат, а только еще больше засоряют голову. Человек, отравленный галиматьей, увидит в "П5" только новую галиматью. Таково хитроумное устройство его текстов: в каждой шутке есть доля всего на свете. Пелевин кончится только тогда, когда нам надоест ломать над этим голову.

Ubuntu Unleashed 2008 Edition: Covering 8.04 and 8.10 (4th Edition)

Andrew Hudson, Paul Hudson - Ubuntu Unleashed 2008 Edition: Covering 8.04 and 8.10 (4th Edition)
Publisher: Sams 2008 | 864 Pages | ISBN: 067232993X | PDF |15 MB

Ubuntu Unleashed 2008 Edition presents comprehensive coverage of the popular Ubuntu Linux distribution. Windows users, Mac users, and Linux enthusiasts have been increasingly turning to Ubuntu for a user-friendly, easy-to-use Linux distribution.

This book provides detailed information on installing, using, and administering Ubuntu. You will learn how to set up a workstation or a server, and you will find complete details on Ubuntu’s easy-to-use desktop and productivity software.

Ubuntu Unleashed 2008 Edition includes a range of coverage: From the software you need in your everyday work, such as the productivity suite, to how to configure your Linux desktop to run smoothly using multiple printers, shell scripts, and more.

For the hardcore Linux enthusiast, there is complete coverage of the X Window system, Linux programming, web server administration, and network administration.

Includes a DVD with a full Ubuntu Linux distribution, plus a free upgrade to Ubuntu Linux 8.10 once it is released

Andrew Hudson is a freelance journalist who specializes in writing about Linux. He has significant experience in Red Hat and Debian-based Linux distributions and deployments and can often be found sitting at his keyboard tweaking various settings and config files just for the hell of it. He lives in Wiltshire, which is a county of England, along with his wife, Bernice, and their son, John. Andrew does not like Emacs. He can be reached at

Paul Hudson is a recognized expert in open-source technologies. He is also a professional developer and full-time journalist for Future Publishing. His articles have appeared in Mac Format, PC Answers, PC Format, PC Plus, and Linux Format. Paul is passionate about free software in all its forms and uses a mix of Linux and BSD to power his desktops and servers. Paul likes Emacs. Paul can be contacted through

Contents at a Glance

Introduction................................................................... 1

Part I Installation and Configuration
1. Installing Ubuntu......................................................11
2. Post-Installation Configuration .............................25
3. Working with Gnome...............................................51
4. Command Line Quickstart .....................................79

Part II Desktop Ubuntu
5. On the Internet.......................................................113
6. Productivity Applications .....................................133
7. Multimedia Applications .......................................153
8. Printing with Ubuntu ............................................185
9. Games......................................................................197

Part III System Administration
10. Managing Users....................................................209
11. Automating Tasks.................................................233
12. System-Monitoring Tools....................................289
13. Backing Up.............................................................301
14. Networking............................................................325
15. Remote Access with SSH and Telnet.................371

Part IV Ubuntu as a Server
16. File and Print.........................................................381
17. Apache Web Server Management......................407
18. Remote File Serving with FTP............................439
19. Handling Electronic Mail......................................471
20. Proxying and Reverse Proxying .......................489
21. Administering Database Services ......................499
22. LDAP......................................................................525

Part V Programming Linux
23. Using Perl .............................................................537
24. Working with Python ..........................................561
25. Writing PHP Scripts.............................................579
26. C/C++ Programming Tools for Ubuntu........613
27. Mono..........................................................625

Part VI Ubuntu Housekeeping
28. Securing Your Machines .....................................639
29. Performance Tuning.............................................651
30. Command Line Masterclass................................663
31. Managing Software ..............................................689
32. Kernel and Module Management........................701

Part VII Appendixes
A. Ubuntu Under the Hood ........................................727
B. Installation Resources ............................................737
C. Ubuntu and Linux Internet Resources ................759
Index .............................................................................???

Monday, May 25, 2009

LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell

LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell
Publisher: O'Reilly Media | ISBN: 0596005288 | edition 2006 | CHM | 961 pages | 2,28 mb

You may not have heard of the Linux Professional Institute (LPI) or its professional certifications, but they're becoming an important part of proving professional competence in the Linux operating system. That aside, LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell is a fantastic introductory Linux book, well suited to introducing a curious newcomer to the environment and bringing an intermediate user up to expert status.

The book is organized around the LPI's published standards for two Level 1 exams (exams 101, which deals with key commands and file-system concepts, and 102, which places more emphasis on hardware, networking, and shell scripting). The organization works well even if you're not specifically preparing for either exam.

LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell assumes nothing in early chapters, going so far--to cite one example--as to walk readers through the concept of commands with parameters separately from the concept of commands alone. Later, the pace picks up, and strategic advice is substituted (such as how to partition a disk for maximum speed and reliability) for "type-this" instructions.

Throughout, the book makes effective use of O'Reilly's time-tested and remarkably clear format for presenting Unix commands and configuration files. Each chapter concludes with a series of exercises designed to help you discover behaviors on your own, and includes the practice questions you expect in a test-prep aid. --David Wall

Topics covered: The knowledge that's tested on the Linux Professional Institute's exams 101 and 102, which includes everything from basic Linux commands and concepts to installation of the operating system, essential network configuration, and kernel recompilation.

Table of Contents


Part I: General Linux Exam 101

Chapter 1. LPI Exams
Section 1.1. Exam 101 Overview

Chapter 2. Exam 101 Study Guide
Section 2.1. Exam Preparation

Chapter 3. Hardware and Architecture (Topic 1.101)
Section 3.1. Objective 1: Configure Fundamental BIOS Settings
Section 3.2. Objective 3: Configure Modems and Sound Cards
Section 3.3. Objective 4: Set Up Non-IDE Devices
Section 3.4. Objective 5: Set Up Different PC Expansion Cards
Section 3.5. Objective 6: Configure Communications Devices
Section 3.6. Objective 7: Configure USB Devices

Chapter 4. Linux Installation and Package Management (Topic 1.102)
Section 4.1. Objective 1: Design a Hard Disk Layout
Section 4.2. Objective 2: Install a Boot Manager
Section 4.3. Objective 3: Make and Install Programs from Source
Section 4.4. Objective 4: Manage Shared Libraries
Section 4.5. Objective 5: Use Debian Package Management
Section 4.6. Objective 6: Use Red Hat Package Manager (RPM)

Chapter 5. GNU and Unix Commands (Topic 1.103)
Section 5.1. Objective 1: Work on the Command Line
Section 5.2. Objective 2: Process Text Streams Using Filters
Section 5.4. Objective 3: Perform Basic File Management
Section 5.5. Objective 4: Use Streams, Pipes, and Redirects
Section 5.6. Objective 5: Create, Monitor, and Kill Processes
Section 5.7. Objective 6: Modify Process Execution Priorities
Section 5.8. Objective 7: Search Text Files Using Regular Expressions
Section 5.9. Objective 8: Perform Basic File Editing Operations Using vi

Chapter 6. Devices, Linux Filesystems, and the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (Topic 1.104)
Section 6.1. Objective 1: Create Partitions and Filesystems
Section 6.2. Objective 2: Maintain the Integrity of Filesystems
Section 6.3. Objective 3: Control Filesystem Mounting and Unmounting
Section 6.4. Objective 4: Set and View Disk Quotas
Section 6.5. Objective 5: Use File Permissions to Control Access to Files
Section 6.6. Setting Up a Workgroup Directory
Section 6.7. Objective 6: Manage File Ownership
Section 6.8. Objective 7: Create and Change Hard and Symbolic Links
Section 6.9. Objective 8: Find System Files and Place Files in the Correct Location

Chapter 7. The X Window System (Topic 1.1.10)
Section 7.1. An Overview of X
Section 7.2. Objective 1: Install and Configure X11
Section 7.3. Objective 2: Set Up a Display Manager
Section 7.4. Objective 4: Install and Customize a Window Manager Environment

Chapter 8. Exam 101 Review Questions and Exercises
Section 8.1. Hardware and Architecture (Topic 1.101)
Section 8.2. Linux Installation and Package Management (Topic 1.102)
Section 8.3. GNU and Unix Commands (Topic 1.103)
Section 8.4. Devices, Linux Filesystems, and the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (Topic 1.104)
Section 8.5. The X Window System (Topic 1.110)

Chapter 9. Exam 101 Practice Test
Section 9.1. Questions
Section 9.2. Answers

Chapter 10. Exam 101 Highlighter's Index
Section 10.1. Hardware and Architecture
Section 10.2. Linux Installation and Package Management
Section 10.3. GNU and Unix Commands
Section 10.4. Devices, Linux Filesystems, and the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
Section 10.5. The X Window System

Part II: General Linux Exam 102

Chapter 11. Exam 102 Overview

Chapter 12. Exam 102 Study Guide
Section 12.1. Exam Preparation

Chapter 13. Kernel (Topic 1.105)
Section 13.1. Objective 1: Manage/Query Kernel and Kernel Modules at Runtime
Section 13.2. Objective 2: Reconfigure, Build, and Install a Custom Kernel and Kernel Modules

Chapter 14. Boot, Initialization, Shutdown, and Runlevels (Topic 1.106)
Section 14.1. Objective 1: Boot the System
Section 14.2. Objective 2: Change Runlevels and Shut Down or Reboot System

Chapter 15. Printing (Topic 1.107)
Section 15.1. An Overview of Printing
Section 15.2. Objective 2: Manage Printers and Print Queues
Section 15.3. Objective 3: Print Files
Section 15.4. Objective 4: Install and Configure Local and Remote Printers

Chapter 16. Documentation (Topic 1.108)
Section 16.1. Objective 1: Use and Manage Local System Documentation
Section 16.2. Objective 2: Find Linux Documentation on the Internet
Section 16.3. Objective 5: Notify Users on System-related Issues

Chapter 17. Shells, Scripting, Programming, and Compiling (Topic 1.109)
Section 17.1. Objective 1: Customize and Use the Shell Environment
Section 17.2. Objective 2: Customize or Write Simple Scripts

Chapter 18. Administrative Tasks (Topic 1.111)
Section 18.1. Objective 1: Manage Users and Group Accounts and Related System Files
Section 18.2. Objective 2: Tune the User Environment and System Environment Variables
Section 18.3. Objective 3: Configure and Use System Log Files to Meet Administrative and Security Needs
Section 18.4. Objective 4: Automate System Administration Tasks by Scheduling Jobs to Run in the Future
Section 18.5. Objective 5: Maintain an Effective Data Backup Strategy
Section 18.6. Objective 6: Maintain System Time

Chapter 19. Networking Fundamentals (Topic 1.112)
Section 19.1. Objective 1: Fundamentals of TCP/IP
Section 19.2. Objective 3: TCP/IP Configuration and Troubleshooting
Section 19.3. Objective 4: Configure Linux as a PPP Client

Chapter 20. Networking Services (Topic 1.113)
Section 20.1. Objective 1: Configure and Manage inetd, xinetd, and Related Services
Section 20.2. Objective 2: Operate and Perform Basic Configuration of Mail Transfer Agent (MTA)
Section 20.3. Objective 3: Operate and Perform Basic Configuration of Apache
Section 20.4. Objective 4: Properly Manage the NFS and Samba Daemons
Section 20.5. Objective 5: Set Up and Configure Basic DNS Services
Section 20.6. Objective 7: Set Up Secure Shell (OpenSSH)

Chapter 21. Security (Topic 1.114)
Section 21.1. Objective 1: Perform Security Administration Tasks
Section 21.2. Objective 2: Set Up Host Security
Section 21.3. Objective 3: Set Up User-level Security

Chapter 22. Exam 102 Review Questions and Exercises
Section 22.1. Kernel (Topic 1.105)
Section 22.2. Boot, Initialization, Shutdown, and Runlevels (Topic 1.106)
Section 22.3. Printing (Topic 1.107)
Section 22.4. Documentation (Topic 1.108)
Section 22.5. Shells, Scripting, Programming, and Compiling (Topic 1.109)
Section 22.6. Administrative Tasks (Topic 1.111)
Section 22.7. Networking Fundamentals (Topic 1.112)
Section 22.8. Networking Services (Topic 1.113)
Section 22.9. Security (Topic 1.114)

Chapter 23. Exam 102 Practice Test
Section 23.1. Questions
Section 23.2. Answers

Chapter 24. Exam 102 Highlighter's Index
Section 24.1. Kernel (Topic 1.105)
Section 24.2. Boot, Initialization, Shutdown, and Runlevels (Topic 1.106)
Section 24.3. Printing (Topic 1.107)
Section 24.4. Documentation (Topic 1.108)
Section 24.5. Shells, Scripting, Programming, and Compiling
Section 24.6. Administrative Tasks (Topic 1.111)
Section 24.7. Networking Fundamentals (Topic 1.112)
Section 24.8. Networking Services (Topic 1.113)
Section 24.9. Security (Topic 1.114)

Part III: General Linux Exam 201

Chapter 25. Linux Kernel
Section 25.1. Objective 1: Kernel Components
Section 25.2. Objective 2: Compiling a Kernel
Section 25.3. Objective 3: Patching a Kernel
Section 25.4. Objective 4: Customizing a Kernel

Chapter 26. System Startup
Section 26.1. Objective 1: Customizing System Startup and Boot Processes
Section 26.2. Objective 2: System Recovery

Chapter 27. Filesystem
Section 27.1. Objective 1: Operating the Linux Filesystem
Section 27.2. Objective 2: Maintaining a Linux Filesystem
Section 27.3. Objective 3: Creating and Configuring Filesystem Options

Chapter 28. Hardware (Topic 2.204)
Section 28.1. Objective 1: Configuring RAID
Section 28.2. Objective 2: Adding New Hardware
Section 28.3. Objective 3: Software and Kernel Configuration
Section 28.4. Objective 4: Configuring PCMCIA Devices

Chapter 29. File and Service Sharing (Topic 2.209)
Section 29.1. Objective 1: Configuring a Samba Server
Section 29.2. Objective 2: Configuring an NFS Server

Chapter 30. System Maintenance (Topic 2.211)
Section 30.1. Objective 1: System Logging
Section 30.2. Objective 2: Packaging Software
Section 30.3. Objective 3: Backup Operations

Chapter 31. System Customization and Automation (Topic 2.213)
Section 31.1. Objective 1: Automating Tasks Using Scripts

Chapter 32. Troubleshooting (Topic 2.214)
Section 32.1. Objective 1: Creating Recovery Disks
Section 32.2. Objective 2: Identifying Boot Stages
Section 32.3. Objective 3: Troubleshooting Boot Loaders
Section 32.4. Objective 4: General Troubleshooting
Section 32.5. Objective 5: Troubleshooting System Resources
Section 32.6. Objective 6: Troubleshooting Environment Configurations

Chapter 33. LPI Exam 201 Review Questions and Exercises
Section 33.1. Linux Kernel (Topic 2.201)
Section 33.2. System Startup (Topic 2.202)
Section 33.3. Filesystem (Topic 2.203)
Section 33.4. Hardware (Topic 2.204)
Section 33.5. File and Service Sharing (Topic 2.209)
Section 33.6. System Maintenance (Topic 2.211)
Section 33.7. System Customization and Automation (Topic 2.213)
Section 33.8. Troubleshooting (Topic 2.214)

Chapter 34. Exam 201 Practice Test
Section 34.1. Questions
Section 34.2. Answers

Part IV: General Linux Exam 202

Chapter 35. Networking Configuration (Topic 2.205)
Section 35.1. Objective 1: Basic Networking Configuration
Section 35.2. Objective 2: Advanced Network Configuration and Troubleshooting

Chapter 36. Mail and News (Topic 2.206)
Section 36.1. Objective 2: Using Sendmail
Section 36.2. Objective 3: Managing Mail Traffic
Section 36.3. Objective 1: Configuring Mailing Lists
Section 36.4. Objective 4: Serving News
Section 36.5. Conclusion

Chapter 37. DNS (Topic 2.207)
Section 37.1. Objective 1: Basic DNS Server Configuration
Section 37.2. Objective 2: Create and Maintain DNS Zones
Section 37.3. Objective 3: Securing a DNS Server

Chapter 38. Web Services (Apache and Squid, Topic 2.208)
Section 38.1. Installing Apache
Section 38.2. Configuring Apache
Section 38.3. Squid: History and Overview
Section 38.4. Squid Authentication
Section 38.5. Squid as Web Accelerator

Chapter 39. Network Client Management (Topic 2.210)
Section 39.1. Objective 1: DHCP Configuration
Section 39.2. Objective 2: NIS Configuration
Section 39.3. Objective 3: LDAP Configuration
Section 39.4. Objective 4: PAM Authentication

Chapter 40. System Security (Topic 2.212)
Section 40.1. Objective 2: Configuring a Router
Section 40.2. Objective 3: Securing FTP Servers
Section 40.3. Objective 4: Secure Shell (SSH)
Section 40.4. Objective 5: TCP Wrappers
Section 40.5. Objective 6: Security Tasks

Chapter 41. Network Troubleshooting (Topic 214)
Section 41.1. Network Troubleshooting Essentials
Section 41.2. Common Troubleshooting Commands
Section 41.3. Hardware Problems
Section 41.4. Network Device Configuration Files
Section 41.5. DNS Errors
Section 41.6. Determining the Cause of Inaccessible Services
Section 41.7. Conclusion

Chapter 42. Exam 202 Review Questions and Exercises
Section 42.1. Networking Configuration (Topic 2.205)
Section 42.2. Mail and News (Topic 2.206)
Section 42.3. DNS (Topic 2.207)
Section 42.4. Web Services (Topic 2.208)
Section 42.5. Answers
Section 42.6. Network Client Management (Topic 2.210)
Section 42.7. System Security (Topic 2.212)
Section 42.8. Network Troubleshooting (Topic 2.214)

Chapter 43. Exam 202 Practice Test
Section 43.1. Questions
Section 43.2. Answers

About the Authors

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions

Dan Ariely - "Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions"
304 pages | HarperCollins 2008 | ISBN: 006135323X | PDF | 4 Mb

Irrational behavior is a part of human nature, but as MIT professor Ariely has discovered in 20 years of researching behavioral economics, people tend to behave irrationally in a predictable fashion. Drawing on psychology and economics, behavioral economics can show us why cautious people make poor decisions about sex when aroused, why patients get greater relief from a more expensive drug over its cheaper counterpart and why honest people may steal office supplies or communal food, but not money. According to Ariely, our understanding of economics, now based on the assumption of a rational subject, should, in fact, be based on our systematic, unsurprising irrationality. Ariely argues that greater understanding of previously ignored or misunderstood forces (emotions, relativity and social norms) that influence our economic behavior brings a variety of opportunities for reexamining individual motivation and consumer choice, as well as economic and educational policy. Ariely's intelligent, exuberant style and thought-provoking arguments make for a fascinating, eye-opening read.


INTRODUCTION. How an Injury Led Me to Irrationality and to the Research Described Here

CHAPTER 1. The Truth about Relativity: Why Everything Is Relative--Even When It Shouldn't Be

CHAPTER 2. The Fallacy of Supply and Demand: Why the Price of Pearls--and Everything Else--Is Up in the Air

CHAPTER 3. The Cost of Zero Cost: Why We Often Pay Too Much When We Pay Nothing

CHAPTER 4. The Cost of Social Norms: Why We Are Happy to Do Things, but Not When We Are Paid to Do Them

CHAPTER 5. The Influence of Arousal: Why Hot Is Much Hotter Than We Realize

CHAPTER 6. The Problem of Procrastination and Self-Control: Why We Can't Make Ourselves Do What We Want to Do

CHAPTER 7. The High Price of Ownership: Why We Overvalue What We Have

CHAPTER 8. Keeping Doors Open: Why Options Distract Us from Our Main Objective

CHAPTER 9. The Effect of Expectations: Why the Mind Gets What It Expects

CHAPTER 1O. The Power of Price: Why a 50-Cent Aspirin Can Do What a Penny Aspirin Can't

CHAPTER 11. The Context of Our Character, Part I: Why We Are Dishonest, and What We Can Do about It

CHAPTER 12. The Context of Our Character, Part II: Why Dealing with Cash Makes Us More Honest

CHAPTER 13. Beer and Free Lunches: What Is Behavioral Economics, and Where Are the Free Lunches?

List of Collaborators
Bibliography and Additional Readings
Index of Ideas

The Invisible Web: Uncovering Information Sources Search Engines Can't See

Chris Sherman, Gary Price - "The Invisible Web: Uncovering Information Sources Search Engines Can't See"
Publisher: Information Today, Inc. | ISBN: 091096551X | 1 edition 2001 | PDF | 402 pages | 4,85 MB

Enormous expanses of the Internet are unreachable with standard Web search engines. This book provides the key to finding these hidden resources by identifying how to uncover and use invisible Web resources. Mapping the invisible Web, when and how to use it, assessing the validity of the information, and the future of Web searching are topics covered in detail. Only 16 percent of Net-based information can be located using a general search engine. The other 84 percent is what is referred to as the invisible Web-made up of information stored in databases. Unlike pages on the visible Web, information in databases is generally inaccessible to the software spiders and crawlers that compile search engine indexes. As Web technology improves, more and more information is being stored in databases that feed into dynamically generated Web pages. The tips provided in this resource will ensure that those databases are exposed and Net-based research will be conducted in the most thorough and effective manner.

About the Author
Gary Price is a reference librarian at George Washington University. He lives in Vienna, Virginia. Chris Sherman is the director of the guide to Web searching on and president of Searchwise, a consulting firm. He is the author of the CD-ROM Handbook and a frequent contributor to Online magazine. He lives in Los Angeles.

Table of Contents

The Invisible Web in a Nutshell
What to Expect from This Book
Boldly Go Where No Search Engine Has Gone Before

Chapter 1 - The Internet and the Visible Web

How the Internet Came to Be
Early Net Search Tools
Enquire Within Upon Everything
Weaving the Web
Early Web Navigation
The First Search Engines

Chapter 2 - Information Seeking on the Visible Web

Browsing vs. Searching
Web Directories
How Web Directories Work
Issues with Web Directories
Search Engines
How Search Engines Work
Issues with Search Engines
Search Engines vs. Directories

Chapter 3 - Specialized and Hybrid Search Tools
Targeted Directories and Focused Crawlers
Targeted Directories
Focused Crawlers
Vertical Portals (Vortals)
How to Find Vortals
Metasearch Engines
Issues with Metasearch Engines
Value-Added Search Services
Alternative Search Tools
Browser Agents
Client-Based Search Tools
Web Rings
Fee-Based Web-Accessible Services
Next Stop: The Invisible Web

Chapter 4 - The Invisible Web

Invisible Web Defined
Why Search Engines Can’t See the Invisible Web
Four Types of Invisibility
The Opaque Web
The Private Web
The Proprietary Web
The Truly Invisible Web

Chapter 5 - Visible or Invisible?
Navigation vs. Content Sites
Direct vs. Indirect URLs
The URL Test
Specialized vs. Invisible
Visible vs. Invisible
The Library of Congress Web Site:
Both Visible and Invisible
The Robots Exclusion Protocol

Chapter 6 - Using the Invisible Web

Why Use the Invisible Web?
When to Use the Invisible Web
Top 25 Invisible Web Categories
What’s NOT on the Web—Visible or Invisible
Spider Traps, Damned Lies, and Other Chicanery
Keeping Current with the Invisible Web
Build Your Own Toolkit

Chapter 7 - Case Studies
Case 1 - Historical Stock Quotes
Case 2 - Patent Information
Case 3 - Real-Time Tracking
Case 4 - Locating an Out of Print Book
Case 5 - Telephone Numbers and Zip Codes
Case 6 - Finding Online Images
Case 7 - Investment Research
Case 8 - The Invisible Web Fails to Deliver!

Chapter 8 - The Future: Revealing the Invisible Web

Smarter Crawlers
The Promise and Pitfalls of Metadata
Beyond Text
Delving into Databases
Hypertext Query Languages
Real-Time Crawling
Long Live the Invisible Web

Chapter 9 - The Best of the Invisible Web
Invisible Web Pathfinders
An Invisible Web Directory
Frequently Asked Questions about the Directory
In Summary: The Top 10 Concepts to Understand
about the Invisible Web

Chapter 10 - Art and Architecture

Galleries on the Web
Gateways to Art and Architecture Resources

Chapter 11 - Bibliographies and Library Catalogs
Library Catalogs

Chapter 12 - Business and Investing
Company Information and Research
Consumer Resources
Economics—United States
Financial Institutions
General Business Resources
Government Contracts
Industry-Specific Resources
Investment Resources
Jobs and Career Information
Lookup Services
Marketing Resources
Pension Resources
Personal Finances
Philanthropy and Non-Profit Resources
Research and Development
Real Estate
Tariffs and Trade
Trade Shows and Conventions

Chapter 13 - Computers and Internet
Computers and Computing
Internet Resources

Chapter 14 - Education
Classroom and Teacher Support
Directories and Locators
Financial Information and Scholarships
General Education Resources

Chapter 15 - Entertainment
General Entertainment Resources
Movies and Cinema
Performances and Events

Chapter 16 - Government Information and Data
Directories and Locators
General Government Resources
Government Documents
Government Officials
Government Programs
Politics, Policy, and International Relations

Chapter 17 - Health and Medical Information
Diseases and Conditions
Healthcare and Medical Information
Healthcare Professional Resources
Patient Information and Consumer Resources
Pharmaceutical Drugs
Workplace Health and Safety

Chapter 18 - U.S. and World History
United States History
World History

Chapter 19 - Legal and Criminal Resources
Attorney and Law Firm Locators
Crime and Criminals
Documents and Records
General Legal Resources
Intellectual Property
Laws, Codes, and Treaties

Chapter 20 - News and Current Events
News Search Resources

Chapter 21 - Searching for People
Famous and Historical People
Genealogy Resources
Group and Affiliation Directories
Online White Pages and Lookup Tools
Veterans and Currently Serving Military

Chapter 22 - Public Records
General Public Records Resources
Location-Specific Public Records

Chapter 23 - Real-Time Information
Miscellaneous Tracking
Space and Satellite
Stock Quotes

Chapter 24 - Reference
Consumer Resources
Dictionaries, Glossaries, and Translation Resources
Food and Beverages
General Reference Resources
Journals and Periodicals
Library/Online Searching
Maps and Geography

Chapter 25 - Science
Earth Sciences
General Science Resources
Mathematics and Physics
Research and Development
Space and Astronomy
Weather and Meteorology

Chapter 26 - Social Sciences
Development Resources
General Resources
Gender Studies and Data
Latin America
Military Resources
Research and Development

Chapter 27 - Transportation
General Transportation Resources

About the Authors


Пиратская бухта. Последний берег утопии

Алексей Поликовский - "Пиратская бухта. Последний берег утопии"
The Pirate Bay. The Last Coast of Utopia (rus)
2009|PDF|3.4 Мб

Это книга о процессе над Пиратской Бухтой. Это книга о будущем, которое несут нам высокие технологии. Это книга о завтрашнем дне, который уже наступил.

Это книга о новых вещах. Вы не знаете, что такое Пиратская Бухта? Вы и подумать не могли, что в благопристойной Швеции бывают политические процессы? Вы не задумывались о том, что многие вещи, за которые с нас требуют деньги, на самом деле должны быть бесплатными? Обо всем этом вы можете узнать, скачав эту принципиально-бесплатную книгу.

Это необычное издание с большим количеством иллюстраций распространяется только через Интернет и только через торрент-трекеры ( в виде исключения - на сайте автора). Оно призвано привлечь внимание публики к проблеме копирайта, к достоинствам свободного программного обеспечения, к принципиальным вопросам свободы в Сети.

Книга была выпущена с открытым концом в начале процесса над Пиратской Бухтой. Здесь представлен второй, полный и окончательный вариант, выпущенный в свет после окончания процесса.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Best of the Best of Business Card Design

The Best of the Best of Business Card Design
Rockport Publishers | ISBN: 1592531849 | 2005-09-01 | 352 Pages | PDF | 64 Mb

A business card is more than a piece of paper with your name on it. It's your calling card; a snapshot of your brand identity, a constant reminder in your client's Rolodexes. Perhaps that's why Rockport's Best of Business Card Design Series is so eagerly anticipated year after year. Now, Rockport brings together the very best examples of innovative, stand-out designs from three of its annual volumes.
In The Best of the Best of Business Card Design, readers will find hundreds of unique and memorable designs for every type of client, and in a broad range of colors, styles, and shapes. Filled with inspiration for designers and their clients around the world, this creative resource shows how any individual or business can make a tiny space speak volumes about who they are, and what they do.


Friday, May 22, 2009

Encyclopaedia Britannica 2009 Ultimate Reference Suite

Encyclopaedia Britannica 2009 Ultimate Reference Suite

For Student and Home Use

When you need the facts, turn to the 2009 Britannica Ultimate Reference DVD for trusted information written by Nobel laureates, historians, curators, professors, and other noted authorities. From the youngest student to the curious adult to the most advanced researcher, users of every level will find what they need. Three age-appropriate encyclopedias; interactive tutorials in math, science, social studies, and other subjects; homework help; and other essential learning tools make it the most complete reference source available.

What's New for 2009

  • Britannica Biographies: World Leaders
  • A-Z QuickSearch
  • Book of the Year Articles
  • Spanish & English Translation Dictionary
  • Interactive Tutorials—math, science, & more

Exclusive Offers for Software Customers

  • Britannica Online 1-Year Trial Membership—simply register your software and enjoy a FREE 1-year trial membership to Britannica Online Premium. A $70 value! Get complete access from anywhere, anytime. With over one million pages online and discounts at the Britannica Store, you are bound to find all the information you need.
  • Britannica Test Prep—get the premium, customized solution for SAT and ACT test preparation. Enjoy an exclusive 20% discount on all Test Prep packages with your purchase.

Please Note: This product is also called the 2009 Britannica Student & Home Edition DVD.

The 2009 Britannica Ultimate Reference DVD includes:

Encyclopædia Britannica
Access the world's most trusted and authoritative information, featuring over 100,000 articles from the 32-volume Encyclopædia Britannica print set.

Britannica Student Encyclopedia
Find information easily in over 15,800 entries that are tailored to school subjects.

Britannica Elementary Encyclopedia
Instill a look-it-up habit that will stay with students in school and in life.

Book of the Year
Explore notable events in 10,500 articles covering science, politics, sports, and more from 1993 - 2007.

Homework Helpdesk
A collection of useful homework resources including a video subject browse, online learning games and activities, online subject spotlights, and how-to documents on topics such as writing a book review.

Learning Games and Activities
Hundreds of fun and interactive games and activities to help students with subjects like Math, Science, and Social Studies.

Two Complete Dictionaries and Thesauruses from Merriam-Webster®
Together, Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® and Student Dictionaries and Thesauruses provide access to 405,000 definitions, synonyms and antonyms.

Merriam-Webster's Spanish-English Translation Dictionary
Translate an English word to Spanish and a Spanish word to English with the click of the mouse.

World Atlas
Take a tour of the world through more than 2,600 maps linked to articles about countries, economies, cultures, and national statistics.

Watch history unfold with timelines that show the people, events, and discoveries of the past.

Britannica BrainStormer
Discover new ideas and relationships between topics with this interactive tool.

Britannica Classics
Read articles from Britannica's most famous contributors-from Sigmund Freud to Harry Houdini, Marie Curie to Orville Wright.

Easily browse through Videos, Britannica Classics, Classical Music, and more.

NEW! Britannica Biographies: World Leaders
Over 2,000 insightful biographies of the most influential leaders of all time.

Virtual Notecards
Take and save notes from your articles on a virtual notecard. Notes are printable, which makes your research easier, more productive, and portable.

Britannica Workspace
Save articles, images, video, and more in one convenient location to help keep your research organized.

Rich Multimedia
View vivid illustrations with 31,000 images, video, and audio that bring fascinating topics to life.

Additional Videos, Web Links, and Magazines Online
Link to 166,000 sites you can trust-selected by Britannica editors-plus links to thousands of videos and magazines for a wealth of additional information.

Product Details

  • Format: Single DVD

Content Counts

  • 103,252 articles/58,051,941 words
    • 74,208 Encyclopædia Britannica
    • 15,814 Student
    • 2,656 Elementary
    • 79 Britannica Classics
    • 10,495 Britannica Book of the Year (1993-2007)
  • 29,664 photos, illustrations, tables, and special comps
  • 2,618 maps
  • 495 video clips
  • 644 sound clips
  • 171 animations and Shockwave
  • 291 World Data Profiles
  • 1,098 Daily Content
  • 166,000 Web links
  • 275,000 Merriam-Webster Collegiate dictionary & thesaurus entries
  • 130,000 Merriam-Webster Student Dictionary & Thesaurus entries
  • 7,284 indexed timeline entries
    • 4,216 Encyclopædia Britannica
    • 2,595 Student
    • 473 Elementary
  • Online learning games and activities
    • 219 student activities
    • 277 elementary activities
  • Thousands of magazine articles and videos online

System Requirements


  • Microsoft® Windows® XP (with SP2) or Vista
  • Pentium III® or equivalent processor
  • 512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended)
  • 1.97 GB free hard-drive space (4.2 GB for Full installation)
  • DVD-ROM Drive
  • 1024x768 resolution, 16-bit color
  • Internet access recommended


  • Mac® OS 10.4.x or 10.5.x w/ Java 1.5
  • PowerPC G5 or Intel Core processor
  • 512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended)
  • 1.97 GB free hard-drive space (4.2 GB for Full installation)
  • DVD-ROM Drive
  • 1024x768 resolution, millions of colors
  • Internet access recommended


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Ruby on Rails Power!: The Comprehensive Guide

Aneesha Bakharia, "Ruby on Rails Power!: The Comprehensive Guide"
Course Technology PTR | 2007 | ISBN: 1598632167 | 448 pages | PDF | RAR 9,3 MB

Ruby on Rails is a feature-rich, easy to learn, and powerful web application framework that makes creating sophisticated, full featured web applications a snap. With the intuitive, straightforward nature of Ruby and the development platform provided by Rails, anyone can put together full-fledged web applications quickly, even if they're new to web programming. Ruby on Rails Power! is a comprehensive introduction to both the Ruby language and the Ruby on Rails framework, providing you with everything you need to author the next successful Web 2.0 application. It starts with the basics: installing Ruby, Ruby on Rails, and MySQL, and building a simple application in Rails. Then, since the Ruby on Rails framework is powered by the Ruby language, the book moves on to cover the basics of Ruby, making the learning curve for Ruby on Rails much easier to navigate. From there, the fundamentals everyone needs to develop a robust web application in Rails are covered in depth, from creating an interface to create, retrieve, update and delete records in a database with the Rails scaffold generator, to understanding the Model View Controller paradigm (Active Record, Action Controller and Action View) and using web services, AJAX, and Adobe Flex. By the end of the book, you’ll have created numerous applications in Rails, including a blog, a wiki, and a forum.


Здрач (Twilight saga)

превзе българските класации още с излизането си и повече от 15 седмици е неизменна част от челната тройка; Новолуние дебютира директно на първото място и 8 седмици е едноличен лидер в класациите на родните книжарници; преди 4 дена излезе третата книга от сагата - Затъмнение, след нея се очаква На зазоряване.

Стефани Майър е най-продаваната авторка за 2008 година с над 22 милиона продадени копия само за една година, а Здрач се превърна в най-търсената книга на годината.
Четирите книги, представящи изпепеляващата любов на едно смъртно момиче и един вампир, се задържаха 71 поредни седмици на първо място в класацията на New York Times за най-продаваните книги. Поредицата на Стефани Майър оглавява класациите и във всяка една от страните, в които е издадена.

1. Здрач (Twilight)
doc; 227 стр.; бълг.

2. Новолуние (New Moon)
doc; 254 стр.; бълг.

3. Затъмнение (Eclipse)
doc; 264 стр.; бълг.

4. Зазоряване (Breaking Dawn)
doc; 313 стр.; бълг.

5. Среднощно слънце (Midnight Sun) *
doc; 105 стр.; бълг.

Даунлоуд (rar на 5-те, 1,64 МВ)

* Петата книга от поредицата хронологично е първа книга, но през очите на Едуард Кълън. Книгата е до 12 глава, тъй като все още не е завършена от Стефани Майър. Преводът е направен по публикуваното в Интернет недовършено копие.

Viral Spiral и Copy, Rip, Burn

David Bollier - Viral Spiral. How the Commoners Built a Digital Republic of Their Own

pdf; 352 pages; New Press (January 13, 2009); еnglish; ISBN-10: 1595583963 ; ISBN-13: 978-1595583963

A stunning narrative history of the emergence of electronic "free culture," from open-source software and Creative Commons licenses to remixes and Web 2.0—in the tradition of Lawrence Lessig's Free Culture.

A world organized around centralized control, strict intellectual property rights, and hierarchies of credentialed experts is under siege. A radically different order of society based on open access, decentralized creativity, collaborative intelligence, and cheap and easy sharing is ascendant.
— from Viral Spiral

From free and open-source software, Creative Commons licenses, Wikipedia, remix music and video mashups, peer production, open science, open education, and open business, the world of digital media has spawned a new "sharing economy" that increasingly competes with entrenched media giants.

Reporting from the heart of this "free culture" movement, journalist and activist David Bollier provides the first comprehensive history of the attempt by a global brigade of techies, lawyers, artists, musicians, scientists, businesspeople, innovators, and geeks of all stripes to create a digital republic committed to freedom and innovation. Viral Spiral—the term Bollier coins to describe the almost-magical process by which Internet users can come together to build online commons and tools—brilliantly interweaves the disparate strands of this eclectic movement. The story describes major technological developments and pivotal legal struggles, as well as fascinating profiles of hacker Richard Stallman, copyright scholar Lawrence Lessig, and other colorful figures.

A milestone in reporting on the Internet by one of our leading media critics, Viral Spiral is for anyone seeking to take the full measure of the new digital era.


David M. Berry - Copy, Rip, Burn. The Politics of Open Source

pdf, 280 pages; Publisher: Pluto Press (20 Sep 2008); еnglish; ISBN-10: 0745324142;
ISBN-13: 978-0745324142

Open source technology, like OpenOffice, has revolutionised the world of copyright. From downloading music and movies to accessing free software, digital media is forcing us to rethink the very idea of intellectual property. While big companies complain about lost profits, the individual has never enjoyed such freedom and autonomy in the market. Berry explores this debate in a clear and concise way, offering an ideal introduction for anyone not versed in the legalistic terminology that - up until now - has dominated coverage of this issue. Looking at the impact that the open source movement has had on journalism, printing, music and design, they show how the ideas that inspired the movement have begun to influence wider cultural and political transformations. This is a key text for students of media studies, journalism and anyone interested in new opportunities for creating a truly independent and democratic media.

About the Author
David Berry co-founded the highly acclaimed indymedia newspaper SchNEWS, together with Gibby Zobel, in the early 1990s. David then moved to work for Reuters before returning to academia.
