Cory Doctorow - Content: Selected Essays on Technology, Creativity, Copyright, and the Future of the Future
Publisher: Tachyon Publications 2008 | ISBN: 1892391813 | PDF | 224 pages | 4,01 mb
Publisher: Tachyon Publications 2008 | ISBN: 1892391813 | PDF | 224 pages | 4,01 mb
Doctorow here proves he’s smart, funny, and good at accessibly boiling down issues he’s passionate about. On topics ranging from fanfic (readers’ additions to their favorite authors’ creations, usually online) to the terrible business model Microsoft presents by treating customers like potential thieves from the beginning, Doctorow moves to the forefront of conversations likely to determine how creators and audiences are able to use new technologies. He compares Internet content-management problems to similar technological snafus—such as the transition from live performance to radio, and from manuscript to printed books—and how the established order of the day reacted, demonstrating his grasp of the ways in which history repeats itself and how we can use the lessons of history to cope with further changes in the exchange of information. Doctorow excels in writing short forms, the essay no less than the short story, making this collection a pleasure to read, not to mention thought-provoking. --Regina Schroeder
1. Microsoft Research DRM Talk
2. The DRM Sausage Factory
3. Happy Meal Toys versus Copyright: How America Chose Hollywood and Wal-Mart, and Why It’s Doomed Us, and How We Might Survive Anyway
4. Why Is Hollywood Making a Sequel to the Napster Wars?
5. You DO Like Reading Off a Computer Screen
6. How Do You Protect Artists?
7. It’s the Information Economy, Stupid
8. Downloads Give Amazon Jungle Fever
9. What’s the Most Important Right Creators Have?
10. Giving it Away
11. Science Fiction is the Only Literature People Care Enough About to Steal on the Internet
12. How Copyright Broke
13. In Praise of Fanfic
14. Metacrap: Putting the Torch to Seven Straw-Men of the Meta-Utopia
15. Amish for QWERTY
16. Ebooks: Neither E, Nor Books
17. Free(konomic) Ebooks
18. The Progressive Apocalypse and Other Futurismic Delights
19. When the Singularity is More Than a Literary Device: An Interview with Futurist-Inventor Ray Kurzweil
20. Wikipedia: A Genuine HG2G — Minus the Editors
21. Warhol Is Turning in His Grave
22. The Future of Ignoring Things
23. Facebook’s Faceplant
24. The Future of Internet Immune Systems
25. All Complex Ecosystems Have Parasites
27. World of Democracycraft
28. Snitchtown
29. About the author